8:00 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Its been one week since i last blog and finally
i am back here blogging again.
LOADS of things happen within this one week. sigh!
Last friday baby accompanied me home after work to pack
my bag, and then went over to baby place to put my bag
and off we went to jp to have our dinner and catch a
movie after our dinner. movie end at 12plus and we walk
home tgt after the movie(: i think i fall asleep at his bed
and then when i wake up is already the next day. LOLS!
we woke up at 7plus and baby mum is already ready to
go off and we are like "just wake up". haha! quickly bath
then went over to gek poh to have our breakfast and
meetup with anna and ahyi. we had a light breakfast
and around 9plus we took a cab to harbourfront. waited
for the boat for an hour or so and by the time we
reach batam, it was like 11plus. once we reach batam
baby brother friend~friend is waiting for us already.
we head to the van and off we go to the hotel.
Once we reach, put our bags and so on and off we go
to have our lunch. we had our lunch at 933. one of the
most famous seafood place in batam :P They order so
many seafood luhhs. I didn't eat much cause i don't really
dare to eat what they eat. hehe.
i simply LOVE the kang kong only:) after our lunch,
send ahyi and ahwei back to the hotel first then off
we went to shop(: walk around but din get anything
cause nothing caught my eyes :D off to another
shopping centre and get myself a pair of flats
(which i hate it now) HAHA!we went back to the hotel
after our shopping is done. wake ahyi and ahwei up and
off we went to have our dinner. OMG! can you imagine we
have seafood again? laughs! and i love the durian juice man.
* i know some of you will go yucks but seriously its nice okay.
we went back to the hotel ktv after our dinner. we sing
till 2plus and off to bed after that.
woke up at 11plus on sunday morning, me and baby went
over to ah bao room to find baby mum and the rest but
only left with ah bao which is still sleeping. haha. anyway,
we order breakfast to our room and happily enjoying it tgt(:
awhile later baby mum. anna and ahyi is back and they
have went shopping without us. hump! but never mind
cause decided to go shopping again. me.baby.ahbao.
anna and ahyi went to shop. yeah~and i get myself
two tops. one pair of flats and a top for bro(: ahyi is
walking round and round to find me and anna. hahas. we
forget to inform her where we are going :P then went
back to hotel cause ahyi and anna will be going back
today. AND they decided to have our dinner at 933 AGAIN!
haha! aniway had fun there luhhs. after sending them off,
we continue to shop. walk around and had ice cream(:
went to supermarket and grab some snacks back to the
hotel. back to hotel then me. baby. ahbao which
jurassic park tgt. nice show(: and then off to
bed after that.
AND ITS MONDAY. went down to have my breakfast
with baby. ahbao and babymum then went to the market
to get some fruits and off to another shopping mall again.
get a watch for mum and a top for daddie. a pair of earring
for myself(: and off we went back to the hotel to pack
our stuff. we set off at 1 and reach singapore
by 2plus. baby mum get some wine and so on.
baby look cute in this sunglass(:
i look ugly in this sunglass luhhs!
my baby(: 
baby. baby mum and baby brother(: 

happy family(:
ah bao with mummy(:
baby with mummy(:
anna. ah bao. ahyi. baby(:
anna and ahbao(:
baby outside 933.
having fun(:
her and baby(:

baby look so funny can!

look so xinfu right?
with baby mum(:
her.baby.ahyi.baby mum(:
the whole group of us(:
my little brother look cute rite?

ahbao and his elder brother(:

something which i didn't expect to happen, really happen.
sigh! i received a message from brother saying that 2nd
uncle have pass away. sigh. That moment my mind
went blank. quickly call mum and decided to wait for
her to end work and then went down to my uncle
funeral tgt. The funeral went on for 5days and thru
my uncle death, i learn that how important family
and friends is and i realize what a REAL BROTHER
This brother of my uncle was there for all 5days. he didn't
went to work but help us from day till midnight.
we sincerely thank you for all your help. I felt so
heartache to see my uncle, imagine he is a weight 70kg
but when he pass away, he weight only like 40kg. sigh!
LIFE IS SHORT so pls treasure everyone around you cause
you may not know when they will leave you. I sincerely
THANKS those who have been into my life(:
if one day i am gone, i will hope to see you there.
i have leave a message down with someone to let
you know that all along you have never leave my mind.
no matter what you are someone special and will
always be one. i am glad that you have been into
my life and i have been to yours too(:
and i know you will stay happy always!